Vicky Chow
I'm a ...
Certified Public Accountant (CPA) / Lyricists / Entrepreneur
Having been working in the corporate world for almost 13 years, I began to rethink about my life goal. Instead of keeping my 5-days work week, I decided to choose a new path that would better match with my life goal. I believe everyone is born with a purpose. We should live our life to the fullest by unleashing our inborn talents.
我是一位註冊會計師/填詞人/創業人。在傳統大企業打滾了近 13 年後,我開始重新思考自己的人生目標。與其繼續打工生涯,我決定選擇另一條更切合我所追求的人生目標的路。我相信每個人與生俱來都有他的使命。我們應該發揮天賦才能,活出最精彩璀璨人生。
Christine Lam
I'm a ...
Business leader / An entrepreneur.
After working in apparel industry more than 25 years, I would like to leverage and empower people by my other capabilities - a cook to express the positive attitude in life.
我是一位商界領袖 / 企業人。經歷超過 25 年於服飾行業的職業生涯,現在我希望以我另一面的專長 — 烹飪,賦予並提升人們正面的人生態度。
Eveline Cheung
I'm a ...
Full-time Mom of an 8-year-old kid
I was working in sales & account management field in the past. With my son grew up and I want to spend more time nurturing him 2 years ago, I decided I should develop my own free time career. In addition, I want to pursue a more meaning life with more life values.
我是一個 8 歲孩子的母親,之前從事銷售及客戶管理的工作。兩年前,決定在人生的下半場,幹些有意義的事情,特別在推動正面孩子培育上,希望追求豐盛及更大的人生價值,加上很想放多些時間去培育孩子,所以發展自己一些自由事業!